1 季亮、谭洪卫:非稳态风边界条件下的自然通风机理及效率 Natural Ventilation Performance and Mechanism on the Condition of Fluctuating Wind,中南大学学报 Journal of Central South University,2011,EI收录 2季亮、谭洪卫:基于GIS支撑平台的区域建筑能源规划 A GIS-supported district building energy planning,重庆大学学报 Journal of Chongqing University,2011,EI收录 3 赵成、谭洪卫:高温高湿环境下湿帘-风机温室降温特性及影响因素研究,暖通空调,2011,No1,P109-112 4 Dongwei Yu,Hongwei Tan:A future residential prototype in China:life cycle assessment of enery use and carbon emission,Energy and Buildings,2011,No43,P2638-2646 SCI收录 5季亮、谭洪卫:基于马尔可夫链的风向建模及其应用 Wind Direction Modeling Using Markov Chain,中南大学学报 2011 EI收录 6 Liang Ji, Hongwei Tan, :Wind Tunnel Investigation on Influence of Fluctuating Wind Direction on Cross Natural Ventilation,Building and Environment,2011,No46,SCI收录 7周志仁、谭洪卫:大空间空调中射流理论的适用性问题研究,暖通空调,2010,No2,P123-127 8沈昭华、谭洪卫:上海地区建筑能耗计算用典型年气象数据的研究,暖通空调,2010,No1,P89-94 9 Hui Shen, Hongwei Tan:The effect of reflective coatings on building surface temperatures, indoor environment and energy consumption—An experimental study,Energy and Buildings,2010。No2-3,P573-580. SCI收录
其他论文数: 7 (篇) 8万珺、谭洪卫:基于全寿命周期能耗理论的绿色建筑实例研究 Green Building Case Study Based on the Life Cycle Energy Theory,制冷技术,2011 9 郑淑晶、谭洪卫:相变材料在建筑节能应用领域的实验研究方法初探 Experimental methods for building energy saving applications using PCM,节能技术,2011 10 万珺、谭洪卫:基于全年动态能耗分析的建筑节能措施评价研究 Evaluation of building energy-saving measures based on dynamic analysis of annual energy consumption,2011 11 兰静、谭洪卫:夏热冬暖地区小城镇住宅建筑节能潜力的调研与评价,建筑节能,2011,No2,P68-73 12 高彪、谭洪卫:高校校园建筑用能现状及存在问题分析,建筑节能,2011,No2,P41-44 13 谭洪卫、徐钰琳:全球气候变化应对与我国高校校园建筑节能监管,建筑热能通风空调,2010,No1,P36-40 14 谭洪卫:高校校园建筑节能监管体系建设,建设科技,2010,No2。P15-19 |