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论文均可在课题组网站可下载:http://bsim.tongji.edu.cn/,也欢迎浏览课题组网站,了解课题组活动,就学术问题进行讨论。 [1]【SCI】Mingya Zhu, Yiqun Pan, Zhizhong Huang. An alternative method to predict future weather data for building energy demand simulation under global climate change. Energy and Buildings, 2016, 113: 74-86 [2]【SCI】Jiachen Mao, Yiqun Pan, Yangyang Fu. Towards fast energy performance evaluation: A pilot study for office buildings. Energy and Buildings, 2016, 121: 104-113 [3] 【SCI】Yiqun Pan, Yuming Li, Zhizhong Huang, Gang Wu. Study on simulation methods of atrium building cooling load in hot and humid regions, Energy and Buildings, 2010,42: 1654–1660 [4] 【SCI】Yiqun Pan, Mingming Zuo, Gang Wu, Whole building energy simulation and energy saving potential analysis of a large public building, Journal of Building Performance Simulation, 2010,4: 37-47 [5] 【SCI】Yiqun Pan, Rongxin Yin, Zhizhong Huang. Energy modeling of two office buildings with data center for green building design. Energy and Buildings, 2008,40: 1145-1152 [6] 【SCI】Yiqun Pan, Zhizhong Huang, Gang Wu. Calibrated building energy simulation and its application in a high-rise commercial building in shanghai. Energy and Buildings, 2007, 39:651-657. [7] 【EI】Yiqun Pan, Sen Huang, Jiachen Mao. Technical Feasibility Study of Hybrid Ventilation for a High-rise Office Building in Shanghai. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Industrial Ventilation (Ventilation 2015),Oct 2015.Shanghai [8] 【EI】 Ruijin Zhou, Yiqun Pan, Zhizhong Huang, Qiujian Wang, Building energy use prediction using time series analysis, IEEE 2013 International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2013),Dec 2013, Honolulu, USA [9] 【EI】 Yudai Liu, Yiqun Pan, Zhizhong Huang, Simulation-based Receding-horizon Supervisory Control of HVAC System, BuildingSimulation2013, Chambery, France, August 2013 [10] 【EI】 Mingya Zhu, Yiqun Pan, et al., Future Hourly Weather Files Generation for Studying the Impact of Climate Change on Building Energy Demand in China, BuildingSimulation2013, Chambery, France, August 2013 [11] 【EI】Yiqun Pan, Yuming Li, Yemei Qin, Zhetian Xu, Energy modeling of prototypical shopping malls in Shanghai, ISHVAC 2011 proceedings, Nov 2011, Shanghai, China [12]【EI】Yudai Liu, Yiqun Pan, Zhizhong Huang, Coupling TRNSYS and MATlab/Simulink for performance verification of building control strategy, ISHVAC 2011 proceedings, Nov 2011, Shanghai, China [13] 【EI】Yiqun Pan, Qiqiang Li, et al, Development of an interactive graphical user interface (GUI) for Energyplus, Proceedings of the ASME2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 2010 [14] 【EI】 Yiqun Pan, Yuming Li, et al, Optimal design of multi-utility complex for a Low Carbon City in china integrating Renewable Energy, Proceedings of the ASME2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 2010 [15] 【EI】 Yuming Li, Yiqun Pan, Chen Chen, Study on energy saving retrofitting strategies for existing public buildings in shanghai, ASME 2009 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Francisco, USA, July 2009 [16] 【EI】 Yiqun Pan, Yan Qu, Yuming Li, Cooling loads prediction of 2010 shanghai world expo, ASME 2009 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Francisco, USA, July 2009 [17] 【EI】 Yiqun Pan, Zhizhong Huang, Xiaowei Zheng. data processing and data mining on energy consumption database of commercial buildings in shanghai. ASHRAE Transactions, Jan 2009 [18] Yiqun Pan, Yong Sun, Jiachen Mao, Peng Xu, Simulation research of wind and thermal environment in residential district, Building Simulation 2015, Dec 2015, Hyderabad, India [19] Yiqun Pan, Cong Yu, Jiachen Mao et al, A study of shanghai residential morphology and microclimate at a neighborhood scale based on energy consumption, Dec 2015, Hyderabad, India [20] Yiqun Pan, Baiqiu Tian, Jiachen Mao et al, Development and online tuning of an empirically-based model for centrifugal chillers, Dec 2015, Hyderabad, India [21] Yong Sun,Yuming Li,Zhizhong Huang,Yiqun Pan. Numerical Simulation on Nozzle Air Supply Performance in Large Space Building. The 2nd Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, ASim2014, Nagoya, Japan, Nov 28-29. [22] Yiqun Pan, Yuan Yao, Dandan Cai, Zhizhong Huang, Norbert Linder. Energy Efficiency Lighting for Buildings – Experiments on occupant behavior and visual comfort on a test bed in a university campus office. The 2nd Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, ASim2014, Nagoya, Japan, Nov 28-29. [23] Meishun Lin, Yiqun Pan, Weiding Long, Weizhen Chen. Influence of Building Shape Coefficient on Energy Consumption of Office Buildings in Hot-Summer-and-Cold-Winter Area of China. The 2nd Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, ASim2014, Nagoya, Japan, Nov 28-29. [24] Cong Yu ,Yiqun Pan, Weizhen Chen,Weiding Long. A Study of Shanghai Residential Morphology and Microclimate at a Neighborhood Scale based on Energy Consumption. The 2nd Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, ASim2014, Nagoya, Japan, Nov 28-29. [25] Yiqun Pan, Yuan Yao, Zhizhong Huang, Dandan Cai, Norbert Linder, Energy Efficiency Lighting for Buildings - a Test Bed in a University Campus Office, Clima 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2013 [26] Yiqun Pan, Zhizhong Huang, Yuming Li, Mingming Zuo, Yuan Yao, Condensation Control of Multi-zone DOAS + Ceiling Radiant Cooling Panel in Hot and Humid Region, Clima 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, June 2013 [27] Yiqun Pan, Mingya Zhu, et al. Energy efficiency technologies applicable for buildings in China - status, challenges and opportunities. International Conference on Applied Energy, Jul 5-8, 2012 [28] Yiqun Pan, Xingbin Liu, Zhizhong Huang, et al, A verification test bed for building control strategy coupling TRNSYS with a real controller, Building Simulation 2011, Nov 2011, Sydney, Australia [29] Yiqun Pan, Qiqiang Li, et al, A Chinese interactive graphical user interface(GUI)for energyplus, Simbuild 2010, New York, USA, Aug 2010 [30]潘毅群, 郁丛, 龙惟定, 陈蔚镇. 区域建筑负荷与能耗预测研究综述. 暖通空调,2015,45:33-40. [31] 王永龙,潘毅群. 典型办公建筑能耗模型中输入参数单因子敏感性的分析研究. 建筑节能,2014,42:9-14 [32] 田柏秋, 潘毅群, 黄治钟. 离心式冷水机组经验回归模型的分析与评价.建筑节能,2014,42:15-20 [33]周芮锦,潘毅群, 黄治钟. 基于时间序列分析的建筑能耗预测方法.暖通空调,2013,43:71-77. [34] 朱明亚,潘毅群, 沙华晶, 许鹏, 黄治钟气候变化条件下中国典型城市未来天气参数与建筑能源需求预测, 建筑节能, 2013. [35]潘毅群, 李玉明, 建筑环境综合测试与评价实验的教学改革, 实验室研究与探索, 2012. [36] 周芮锦,潘毅群, 黄治钟, 时间序列方法及其在实际办公楼能耗预测中的应用, 建筑节能, 2012. [37] 花莉,潘毅群, 范蕊, 基于TRNSYS的土壤源热泵热平衡问题的影响因素分析, 建筑节能, 2012. [38] 王龙,潘毅群, 黄治钟, 建筑外窗自然通风流量系数的影响因素分析, 建筑节能, 2012. [39] 黄森,潘毅群, 开窗渗透对于空调房间热湿环境影响分析, 建筑节能, 2012. [40] 张洁,潘毅群, 黄治钟, 变风量空调系统静压设定值重置方法及控制策略研究, 暖通空调, 2011. [41] 黄森,潘毅群, 上海某数据中心能效调研分析, 制冷与空调, 2011. [42] 姚远,潘毅群, 黄治钟, 办公空间中智能照明控制系统的应用, 建筑节能, 2011. [43] 潘毅群,殷荣欣,楼振飞. 上海十幢大型公共建筑节能状况调研,暖通空调,2010 [44] 周兰兰,潘毅群,某数据中心空调系统设计与节能优化分析,暖通空调,2009 [45] 潘毅群, 赖艳红. 建筑能耗模拟——绿色建筑设计与建筑节能改造的支持工具之二:案例分析. 制冷与空调, 2009. [46] 潘毅群, 左明明, 李玉明. 建筑能耗模拟——绿色建筑设计与建筑节能改造的支持工具之一:基本原理与软件. 制冷与空调, 2008. 欢迎各高校暖通相关专业及建筑技术相关专业的学生报考。